Who We Are?
Statements of purpose
- The study of Australian and foreign birds.
2. The conservation of Australian birds at liberty and in captivity.
3. The promotion of hygienic keeping, scientific feeding and breeding of birds in the best and most natural conditions possible.
4. The arranging of lectures by visiting and local aviculturists and naturalists on matters relating to the selection, care and treatment of indigenous and foreign birds. 5. The dissemination of Avicultural information.
6. The cultivation of friendly relations with societies and clubs having similar objects.
7. All birds shall come within the scope of the societies activities.
8. The society shall be of a non competitive nature.
The Mornington Peninsula Avicultural Society was formed on the 19th September 1983, with the purpose of providing a means of bringing together like minded people who enjoy the hobby of aviculture.

The First Newsletter
Excerpt from the two A4 pages of our first news letter which unfortunately is undated but was published between Feb 1984 and April 1984
In commencing this our first Newsletter, let me say how pleasing it is to me to see what marvelous progress has been made in the formation and development of our Society. It was February 1983 when John Dorris spoke to myself, the seed was sown, the challenge taken up, a lot of phone calls etc., and our first meeting was held at Mornington Community Contact House on the 24 August 1983. It was there that it was decided to continue and that a Society be formed. 16 people attended that inaugural meeting. It was with the optimism of this group that it was thought we would need a bigger meeting place, and so we have been meeting each month at Room 64 Mt. Martha House.
On the 19 September 1983 The Mornington Peninsula Avicultural Society was officially formed. Since then we have been continuing to meet the 3rd Monday of the Month commencing at 7.30 p.m. except the period of daylight saving time, when we have been starting at 8.00 p.m. An average attendance has been around 30, which is really quite encouraging, considering the short period of time we have been going.
Kevin G Gibson.
Club Operations
The Society is Coordinated by a Committee of club members. This Committee is elected annually by club members at the Annual General Meeting that all members are welcome to attend. If you feel you can contribute to the operation of our Society in any capacity please contact any Committee Member.
- Monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of each month.
- All visitors are welcome.
- Aviary Visits are conducted throughout the year.
- Our Society also sponsors some local School projects.
- A Free Exchange Service is offered to all Members where birds can be advertised For Sale or Wanted. The Exchange list is published monthly in our Magazine or the Exchange Steward can be contacted at any time if you want to advertise birds or are chasing a bird.